Every year students at DNPS are given the opportunity to participate in the ICAS Assessments. ICAS is designed to target students’ higher-order thinking and problem-solving. The subjects offered are English and Maths and it is open to Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 if they wish to participate
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Every year students at Dandenong North Primary School are given the opportunity to participate in the ICAS Assessments. ICAS is designed to target students’ higher-order thinking and problem-solving. The subjects offered are English and Maths and it is open to Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 if they wish to participate.
Each assessment celebrates students’ accomplishments by providing opportunities for recognition. Every student will receive a printed certificate and an online result report. Top performers will be eligible for medals and are invited to attend special award ceremonies to have their academic excellence publicly recognised.
The assessments are suitable for students wishing to extend themselves academically and take up the personal challenge of competing in an international assessment. Your child will be presented with high-quality, expert-developed questions, allowing them to apply their learning without the need for prior study or revision. Learn more about ICAS here. (https://www.icasassessments.com/products-icas) 
Subject Sitting date
ICAS Assessments English 14-18 August 2023 (Wednesday 16th August)
ICAS Assessments Mathematics 28-1 Sept 2023 (Wednesday 30th August)
These assessments will take place during the day.
If you would like your child to participate in any of the subjects listed above, please visit the online Parent Payment System to make a direct payment. This is a simple and secure online payment service specifically for parents to purchase ICAS Assessments.
Access details for parents
Our school access code is:
Parent page link is:
Online parent payment closes Friday, 30th July 2023.
IMPORTANT: Please enter your child’s name accurately into the System as it will appear on their ICAS certificate. We are proud to partner with ICAS Assessments and look forward to some fantastic results later in the year.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you have any questions and ask for Ms Varas.